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drop the ball

美 [drɑːp ðə bɔːl]英 [drɒp ðə bɔːl]
  • 掉了球;失球;犯错误
drop the balldrop the ball


commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake
I blundered during the job interview
Synonym: sin blunder boob goof


  1. The player charged at his opponent , making him drop the ball .


  2. The one thing you didn 't want to do was drop the ball .


  3. Every time I 've ever asked you to do something , you drop the ball .


  4. Don 't rely on him . He 's sure to drop the ball .


  5. In baseball I was as likely to get hit on the head as to drop the ball .


  6. We almost enter a contract with that company , but Jim drop the ball and ruin everything .


  7. I would discuss the urgency of their work with each of them so I didn ? T drop the ball .


  8. Right now the most difficult challenge for Olympus is what best they must do not to drop the ball .


  9. You are well aware that I do not drop the ball on things like this , Remy .


  10. Before you drop the ball into the spinning wheel , you bet a number on the electronic layout .


  11. The runner headed for home collides with him hoping the catcher will drop the ball allowing to run the score .


  12. I mean , Phoebe 's not an official ball player ! I mean , only official ballplayers can drop the ball !


  13. Yes , but you must drop the ball keeping the point where the ball lay directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped .


  14. An explicit request to circulate puts people in an awkward position : they can say no and look rude , or drop the ball and look disorganized .


  15. On the other hand , if you drop the ball , you might be looking for a new line of work because the other thing about these cats is they never forget .


  16. When an earthquake approached , the column shifted in a particular direction , and a lever made that dragon drop the ball , thus revealing the quake 's direction .


  17. One who acts as a decoy , as in a confidence game . Before you drop the ball into the spinning wheel , you bet a number on the electronic layout .


  18. I am also hopeful that Mr Van Rompuy may turn out to be somebody who does not drop the ball during a crisis , as the EU 's combined leadership did last year .


  19. Use : press the small bathing milk on the palm , combines massage cleaning , or drop in the bath ball , sponge ball , slightly cleaned .


  20. If they come at you with a knife , drop to the ground , ball up to protect your torso ( the kill zone ) and kick at the attacker 's knees or groin .
